My Year Of training myself to be ambidextrous

I wanted to ambidextrous, or at least be able to write with either hand, after all it can be useful if my right hand got hurt and I was not able to use it for awhile.

Most everywhere online at the time said that you either were born with it, or did not have it. But I think the brain is a bit more adaptable than that.

Starting out, I am what I’ve heard is called “weak hander”, meaning that it is not too hard for me to switch hands, unlike a “strong hander”.

For my year of training myself to be ambidextrous, I focused mainly on being able to write well with either hand. I got a notebook, and practiced writing the sentence “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog” since that has all the letters from A to Z. Even practiced it in cursive.

I believed that it would take awhile to develop the motor memory for my left hand to develop, and for the neural connections to form, thus giving me more dexterity than before.

Before long, I was writing much smaller, and better, with my left hand, but still not quite as well as the right, which has decades of experience writing.

Fast forward years later, and I can still write well with either hand. They still feel different, but that’s fine.